Our Programs



The Ardmore Beautification Council advocates for recycling in our community.  ABC joined with Replenysh Recycling, out of Southern California, to provide additional recycling opportunities to ALL of Southern Oklahoma residents. The 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month from 10 to Noon, ABC, along with volunteers, host an event where cardboard, plastics #1 AND #2 including plastic #1 thermoforms, aluminum cans, steel cans! ABC is always looking for volunteers to help us in this endeavor to continue to provide this to our citizens. Join us!


The Ardmore Beautification Council’s motto “A Beautiful City is Good Business!” truly reflects the kind of organization we are.  Working diligently to bring beauty to our community is the key element in each program and project we undertake.  Our landscaping projects continue to delight our visitors and residents!  We continue to develop programs to ensure that the beauty of our southern Oklahoma town is enhanced!  ABC encourages businesses and individuals, through the Daffodil Award to continue to look and be beautiful. One aspect of our beautification is murals facilitated by ABC and sponsored by various non-profits and entities in Ardmore.  The Legal Aid building on E Street (across from Central Park), the mural located on the east side of the Ardmoreite Building, and our Lake Murray Drive Mural, located on the underpass on Lake Murray Drive and the Chickasaw Mural located on the corner of N. Commerce and Veterans Boulevard!  These few examples encourage us to move forward and look toward how we can create a more beautiful Ardmore.

Garden Tour

2023 was the beginning of our Garden Tour event! After a several year hiatus, Ardmore Citizens once again enjoyed viewing four, very different and unique, gardens! ABC looks forward to bringing this event back in 2025! If you have garden you’d like to share with others contact Julie at the ABC office!

Litter Prevention

As part of being an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful the Ardmore Beautification Council conducts a yearly litter awareness survey throughout our community.  This windshield survey is conducted with parameters set by KAB.  The Ardmore Beautification Council also supports a local volunteer organization called the Ardmore Clean Team.  These volunteers have spent hours picking up trash along our local roadways including waterways.  Keeping litter awareness in the forefront of our minds is key to changing behavior about littering.


Central Park

The crown jewel of our local parks is Central Park.  This park is a showstopper gateway in to downtown Ardmore.  The Ardmore Beautification Council keeps this park looking lovely each season by planting and maintaining the annual and perennial flower plantings.  ABC is responsible for the lush look of the flowers and ornamental trees.  Working, in partnership, with the City of Ardmore, the Ardmore Beautification also maintains all of the Welcome to Ardmore signs, plus the I-35 Northbound Welcome to Ardmore sign.  Other landscape projects that the Ardmore Beautification Council maintains is the Main Street raised flower beds.  These flowers beds were installed in the early 1990’s and to this day showcase the streets and storefronts of our beautiful downtown.  The newly remodeled median at 12th and Commerce is the beautiful entrance to a highly trafficked NW section of our residential and commercial area, with thanks to Citizens Bank and Mercy Hospital for their continued support of ABC and that beautiful median. ABC continues to maintain the I-35 interchanges, plant wildflowers, and maintain Crepe Myrtles along our entrance roadways.